Capacity Building of National Agricultural Research System Scientists in Advance Analytical Techniques
Agricultural Linkages Program (ALP) Ministry of National Food Security & Research – Government of Pakistan
May 2019 to April 2021 (continued)
Capacity building of social and biological scientists of National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in advanced statistical and econometric analyses tools, techniques and results interpretation is imperative with changing scenario of research & development and new knowledge. The project aims to impart latest techniques and method to the scientists especially the young scientists engaged in agricultural research. The activity also collects data of the impact of COVID-19 in agriculture in collaboration with local NGOs.
Cropping Pattern Zonation of Pakistan
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
January 2019 to December 2019
Pakistan is an agricultural country whose economy depends predominantly on the agriculture sector. However, farmers’ profits cannot be maximized without optimum cropping patterns which can ensure efficient utilization of available resources. Cropping pattern refers to proportion of area under different crops at different points of time. It indicates the time and spatial arrangement or sequence of crops in a particular cultivated area. It plays a vital role in determining the level of agricultural production, which in turn reflects on the agricultural economy of an area. The cycle of the cropping pattern may be affected by factors like changes in agriculture policy, improvements in technology and availability of field inputs. Farmers like to practice such type of cropping pattern in their field which can raise their income from their limited holding. The choice of crops, their variety and the area under different crops depend upon several factors such as soil conditions, temperature and rainfall, price structure of different crops, availability of labour, capital marketing and transport facility. In the current climate change context, judgment of the cropping pattern is of utmost importance for future risk mitigation and adaptation to changing conditions. In the past, geospatial zoning of cropping sequence was not fully emphasized, although crop data was updated regularly at provincial and federal levels. This remains a gap in rapid decision making and planning for agriculture development from micro to macro level in the country. The primary focus of the project was to develop cropping pattern zonation of major and minor crops of the country using geospatial modelling techniques for future resource planning and policymaking.
Organizing workshops to present vision 2050 reports to government of Pakistan (Vision 2050)
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO)
December 2015 to March 2016
The activity aimed to enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems at local, national and international level, through providing technical support, sharing of knowledge, building capacity and empowering the government for a focused approach towards Pakistan ‘s agriculture vision 2015.
Evaluation of climate resilient and bio-fortified maize germplasm
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
April 2015-February 2016
Evaluation of climate resilient and bio-fortified maize germplasm. Develop/introduce maize tolerant to biotic stress and enhancing the maize seed sector. Crops developed to be resilient to climate change are among the coping strategies where farmers can mitigate this impact. The availability of such climate smart varieties both hybrids and OPVs will enhance maize productivity and reduce household poverty.
Pakistan Food Security Analysis
United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP)
November 2015 to April 2016
Conducting a nationwide survey on household food security. Provided supervision for understanding survey in other parts of the country. Provided detailed TOR for the overall study. Provided technical support and guidance in the overall process.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO)
October 2015 to December 2015
To evaluate impact of FMD vaccination (both preventive & emergency/vaccination) in different production systems. Two days training of 20 field veterinarians to undertake socioeconomic assessment of outbreak handling. Frequency of the disease occurrence also decreased considerably over the time period. Vaccination of the animals is found to be effective in preventing clinical disease. Moreover, vaccination program created awareness among peri-urban farmers in general and rural farmers in particular and helped change their approach to tackle the disease.
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
January 2015 to December 2015
Conducting research activities, managing agro-forestry rangelands of integrated agricultural production systems for the poor and vulnerable dry areas. Organized one field day on cactus targeting 30 farmers (5 woman) and 2 local agri. extension staff. One evaluation report about the impact of grazing on rangeland vegetation prepared. One day field day on silvopasture organized for 25 farmers. Knowledge improvement of 50 male, 5 female and 2 local extension staff on cactus and silvopasture activities
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
January 2015 to December 2015
Assessment of socio-economic activities of integrated agricultural production systems of the poor and vulnerable in dry areas. Encouraging higher women participation in project activities. In 12 months, 1male and 1 female scientists trained in assessment of multidisciplinary on-farm trails. Reporting on value addition and technologies tested. Feedback from 1 training (20 participating women and youth) helped to sebsitize partners. Encouraging higher women participation in project activities.
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
2014 to 2016
To carry out a study on socioeconomic activities, capacity building and assessment of dissemination of promoting technologies in the Pakistan’s all four provinces. To demonstrate and test best management practices concerning the capacity to maintain or built soil organic matter (SOM) to improve soil health resulting in more effective soil moisture conservation and soil fertility and reduced dependence on chemical fertilizers. To develop and disseminate agricultural extension messages, information, materials and tools to be used in Punjab, Sindh and elsewhere in Pakistan for building SOM, improving soil health.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
October 2014 to September 2015
To conduct a pilot study on the use of Geo-information technology for mapping land degradation in SAARC countries – Pakistan component. The pilot study includes field investigation surveys and data collection from land degradation areas of the selected watershed, compilation of the data and results from multiscale GIS mapping. The cross-country geospatial information generated through participation of multi-stakeholder helped to develop management strategies form up-stream; down-stream interactions.
Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
March 2013 to September 2013
The technical study of Noorpur Thal was about to draw an overall picture of the resource base under different sub ecologies beside overall characterization of demographic aspects, land, water, climate, livestock and farming system of the area. The study helped the development practitioners and commercial business-oriented investors to devise their investment plans in a fully characterize environment backed by scientific evidence and expert shared knowledge. Complete feasibility and engineering designs have been laid out for important technological options and interventions proposed at the end of report.
Assessment of the maize situation and outlook and investment opportunities to ensure food security in Asia
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
July 2012-June 2013
Assessment of the maize situation and outlook and investment opportunities to ensure food security in Asia. The study relies primarily on secondary data compiled from various published sources as well as primary data using focus group discussions (FGDs) with different stakeholders in all five study countries. The compound annual growth rates (CAGR) were estimated by fitting a semi-log trend equation.
Socio-economic assessment of baseline information in FMD vaccinated areas
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO)
November 2012 to March 2013
Provide baseline report to evaluation of FMD vaccination effects on productivity in different production systems. Produced data entry templates, data entry, coding, editing and cross checking to develop data base to be used later on for impact study. Incorporated the suggestions/comments of the FAO reviewers and submit final report.
Draft KP Agriculture Policy and Strategy
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO)
December 2012
To develop departmental capacity in principal commodities value chain development plan and drafting KPK agriculture strategy and policy document. Generating, testing and disseminating new technologies for production, harvesting, packaging and processing are essential prerequisites for growth and one of the basic services on which the Department of Agriculture has to take the lead. The development of alternate energy sources, such as solar and wind power for production and processing was an important area for research.