CEO’s Message

Dr. Mansab Ali (CEO)
It is well-known fact that Pakistan is an agricultural country and struggling hard for self-sufficiency in agricultural production to reduce its import bill and bring prosperity to the tillers. I firmly believe that we can not only achieve these targets but also earn precious foreign exchange by developing robust technologies and their speedy transfer to the stakeholders. Regrettably, the present technology transfer process is slower and sluggish as compared to its desirable level particularly in ever increasing global competition. This invigorates the need to establish a dynamic commercial and marketing company to transfer knowledge and technical know how, available with PARC and/or National Agricultural Research System (NARS) to the ultimate end users viz. agro-industries and farmers.
Establishment of PARC Agrotech Company (Pvt) Limited – PATCO is a move in the direction and its two pronged approach will not only ensures fast delivery of technologies generated by PARC and/or National Agricultural Research System (NARS) to their real users but also provides incentives to the respective scientists. Attempts are also underway to bring in the concept of “Corporate Culture” in Agricultural R&D efforts and to make them demand responsive by bringing closer the producers, traders, and manufacturers at the platform of PATCO. I welcome you at PATCO’s web page and hope it will apprise you of the business initiatives and activities being undertaken at the company’s platform. I hope the first of its nature, the PATCO will able to build itself on strong foundation and achieve a high name in transferring the R&D products and services nationwide. We remain committed to help the stakeholders in bringing revolution and prosperity in Pakistan’s agriculture with quick and fast tracked technology transfer mechanism and approach. Last but not the least, on behalf of PATCO management I am grateful to our colleagues, scientists and business partners, all of whom have supported us with endless confidence during the process of institutionalization of this company as pioneer of its kind in the country. Thank you for visiting us and we assure our best services to you.